
Grenfell Tower wrapped

Grenfell Inquiry module two: A look back at key evidence about the cladding materials

The section of the inquiry covering products installed on the tower contained many shocking revelations. Now that it is over, Tom Lowe explains who said what


Andrew Mellor_PRP_crop

Seven years after Grenfell: We have come a long way, but there is still a huge amount to do


Andrew Mellor reflects on the Grenfell Inquiry’s demand for radical reforms. The message is clear: urgent action is needed to protect lives

Denise Index pic

Shock and shame: the Grenfell report has exposed construction’s deadly failures


Now we know the full and terrible truth, only urgent and fundamental change will ensure mistakes are not repeated, writes Denise Chevin.

Ben Smith and Simon Tolson

Grenfell: a tale of systemic failures


A legal overview setting out the findings of the inquiry’s final report, its recommendations and the potential ramifications for construction


Cladding contractors must beware the ‘grey zone’

By Peter Johnson

The new Ð԰ɵç̨ Safety Act has been established with good intentions but it may end up creating a more fragmented, litigious environment for developers, contractors and architects, writes Peter Johnson